Inside this high-octane venue, learn about the history of motorsports and see memorabilia from some of the racing world’s greatest moments. Along the way, pay tribute to trailblazers of the sport who have earned their ranks. Get in on the action by walking through a hauler, practicing a pit stop and racing in a realistic racing simulator.
Refill the tank at the Pit Stop Café, where lunch options span savory barbecue to tasty sandwiches, all while enjoying a view of the famous Glory Road exhibit.
The "Feel the Thrill" tour serves up high-speed fun. Experience the full-tilt force of 24-degree banking while cruising around the track.
Spend the evening navigating Southern Grace Distillery’s hair raising Whiskey Prison After Dark tour, which is illuminated only by flashlights and libations. Tour the grounds and buildings that make up this decades-old prison-turned-distillery.